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If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use this website.
This website is established by PHIN Group. Please read the following terms carefully to protect your rights. When users of the website begin to use various services of our company, it is considered that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with these terms. Our company may modify or change the content of these terms at any time. Any user who continues to use our company's website services after any modification or change of these terms is considered to have read, understood, and agreed to comply with such modifications or changes.- Accuracy and Completeness of Information PHIN Group makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information on this website. However, we do not make any guarantees or representations regarding the accuracy, reliability, or other aspects of this information, nor do we assume any obligations or responsibilities for any omissions or errors in the content on this website.
- Website Usage In addition to complying with relevant laws, when using website services, you must not engage in the following behaviors:
- Harm the reputation, goodwill, or privacy of PHIN Group or others.
- Infringe upon the trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patent rights, or other rights of PHIN Group or others.
- Violate confidentiality obligations as required by law or contract.
- Register as a website member in someone else's name or log into someone else's account without authorization.
- Transmit or distribute obscene, indecent, false, or other speech or information that violates public decency.
- Transmit or distribute computer viruses or engage in any other behavior that may damage, destroy, or interfere with this website or its content.
- Engage in unlawful trading activities using this website.
- Illegally copy others' information for resale or reproduction.
- Extract information that is not officially open or authorized.
If your actions involve illegal activities, you should bear the relevant legal responsibilities.
- Voluntary Submission of Information PHIN Group does not accept or consider any innovative ideas, suggestions, or materials ("Submission Materials") submitted by the public. Therefore, please do not submit materials to PHIN Group. Otherwise, the materials you submit will be considered non-confidential and non-private, and they will immediately become the property of PHIN Group. PHIN Group immediately and exclusively owns all rights, ownership, and interests related to the submitted materials and has the right to use the submission materials for any purpose.
- Privacy Policy When using personal data collected from this website, PHIN Group will comply with the privacy regulations of this website.
- Disclaimer PHIN Group does not assume any express or implied warranty responsibility for various website services, nor does it guarantee the stability, security, accuracy, or uninterrupted use of various services. PHIN Group does not guarantee that the results of using website services or the information obtained through this website will meet your expectations, nor does it guarantee that you will not encounter inappropriate content through this.
- Indemnification You agree to indemnify, compensate, and hold PHIN Group harmless from any and all claims, damage claims, costs, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from or related to your use of this website and any and all claims, damage claims, costs, and expenses arising therefrom.
- Copyright Statement Except as otherwise clearly indicated, any content presented on this website, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, designs, texts, images, and any other information, is the intellectual property and all rights of PHIN Group and its partners. You agree not to copy, modify, change, display, distribute, sell, broadcast, or transmit any data on this website in any way without written permission from PHIN Group and its partners.
- Third-Party Website Links For your convenience, this website may link to other websites owned and operated by third parties and not managed by PHIN Group. However, even if these third parties are associated with PHIN Group, PHIN Group has no control over such linked websites. These linked websites have independent privacy and data collection practices and legal policies different from those of PHIN Group. PHIN Group is not responsible for the content of any linked websites, nor does it make any representations regarding the accuracy of the content or data of such websites. You must assume all risks when browsing such third-party websites.
- Jurisdiction You agree that the interpretation and effectiveness of these terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China. In the event of any dispute arising from the terms of use of this website, you and our company both agree to the jurisdiction of the Taipei District Court in Taiwan as the court of first instance.